OPENING DATE: Sunday, June 6, 2021
RECEPTION: Sunday, June 6 12:00 – 4:00 PM by appointment, RSVP below
CLOSING DATE: Sunday, August 29, 2021
GALLERY HOURS: Sunday 12-5, Monday-Saturday 9-5, Visits by appointment, walk-in guests inquire at Reception
The Center for Contemporary Printmaking’s 13th Biennial Miniature Print International Exhibition opens on Sunday, June 6, 2021 with a socially distanced opening in the Grace Ross Shanley Gallery from 12:00 – 4:00 PM.
The exhibition runs through August 29, 2021. This juried exhibition, limited to works that are no more than four square inches (25.8 square cm), encourages artists to explore the miniature print format. Since its inception in 1997, the Miniature Print Exhibition has showcased the works of artists worldwide with renowned print curators and collectors serving as jurors. This year’s juror was Christina Weyl, an independent art historian. CCP received 568 prints from 227 artists with works arriving from 22 countries, including representation by artists in 27 states. Weyl selected 128 works by 122 artists representing 15 countries and 21 states.
The Miniature Print International Competition is held every other year, alternating with CCP’s other biennial, FOOTPRINT International (for prints measuring exactly 12 x 12 in. square).
Exhibition Juror
Christina Weyl is an independent art historian, who writes about midcentury American printmaking and women artists. She earned a BA from Georgetown University and an MA and PhD in Art History from Rutgers University. Prior to graduate school, she was the director of Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, a gallery in New York City representing the print publications of the Los Angels-based artists’ workshop, Gemini G.E.L. In 2019, Christina released the book The Women of Atelier 17: Modernist Printmaking in Midcentury New York published by Yale University Press which follows nine women, including Louise Bourgeois and Louise Nevelson, who worked at Atelier 17, the avant-garde printmaking workshop located in New York City between 1940 and 1955. She is currently working on a new book and exhibition project “Living in Color: The Explosion of Color in American Printmaking, 1935-65.”
Sinclair Ashman, England – FIRST Place
Eric Mummery, Canada – SECOND Place
DeAnn Prosia, NJ, USA – THIRD Place and Jerry’s Artarama Award
Anna Trojanowska, Poland – Awagami Paper Award
Channing Lefebvre, NY, USA – Renaissance Award
Linda Adato, NY, USA – Jerry’s Artarama Award
Takako Tamura, Japan – McClain’s Award
Ellen Roberts, ME, USA – McClain’s Award
Amy Sands, MN, USA – Speedball Award
Lujiang Li, NY, USA – OpenPress Project Award
Adrienne Beacham, NY, USA – Gamblin Award
Fanny Bazille, France – Gamblin Award
Viviane de Kosinsky, VA, USA
Melanie Dorson, CA, USA
Theresa Haberkorn, CO, USA
Martha Ives, NY, USA
Susan Martin, NC, USA
Katie Maier, GA, USA
Purchase Awards Provided by:
For press inquiries, contact Meaghan Morrow at media@contemprints.org